The key to earning with GiftHulk is actually referrals, which earn you 100 Hulk Coins on sign up and an additional 500 HC later on.
Basic Information:
- Open To: Users who are 13+ and are residents of US / UK / CAN / AUS / FRANCE / GERMANY / IRELAND.
- Referrals: 100 Hulk Coins on initial sign-up + 500 HC once the referral reachs Silver Level (they earn 1000 HC for themselves.)
- Cash Outs: Various gift cards and Paypal cash starting at $5.00 = 5000 HC.
- Earning Effort: Medium
- Use all your tries in 'Guess the Card'. That's where you win the FOY codes, extra coins and sometimes boosts which allow you to earn more coins for a certain amount of time. I play the 'Guess the Suit' section which lets you win 4 or 5 hc for every correct guess (depending on if you have your social media linked to the site). The trick I use is to set the guess to 'Hearts' for the first two or three times and note which suit shows up the most. Then I set the 'guess' to whatever suit it was and run through all my guesses. This usually lets me guess the majority of the suits correctly.
- Run the RadioLoyalty player. GiftHulk pays 8 hc every 10 minutes but you only input the captcha every 20 minutes. I mute it, put in a back tab and set a timer extension on my browser to remind me to go and check on it in twenty minutes. You can also check out this guide on how to use RadioLoyalty effectively!
- Do the offer videos that are always on your front page. I watch all the V11 videos, then do the 'targeted videos' (which pay about ~8 hc for a minute of work or less). There are usually a ton of those 'browse this webpage' offers which are super easy. (And if you'd like, you can also continue to run the tiered Gifthulk videos in the background, for a little extra.)
- Check out the Gifthulk surveys. You can earn a lot from surveys if you qualify, or you can earn up to 60 hc daily from for just being disqualified from them.
- Do a few searches with the GiftHulk search! Every so often they do a weekend search promotion where you can earn roughly 8 HC every sixty minutes with a single search. You can learn how to set it as your default search here!
Other Tips & Tricks:
- Your referral code can earn you big bucks, so spread it around far and wide. You earn 100 hc for every new referral and then another 500 hc when they reach Silver level (aka, earn 1000 hc for themselves.) This will earn you huge amounts of hc so refer, refer, refer! They also get a bonus of 250 hc if they use it, so really get to it!
- Check out how the levels on Gifthulk work. The more coins you earn, the more chance you get in Guess the Card and the better the perks on the site are. After a certain level, you can even get rebates on the gift cards you cash in for.
- Look for special notification messages that are sent to you and have an inverted teardrop symbol (the "location" / check in symbol). These mean that the offer can be "checked in to", which will give you a bonus of five to ten HC.
- Keep an eye out for FOY (Fountain of Youth) codes. You can win them for yourself in Guess the Card or find them posted by other users. This subreddit is dedicated to FOY Codes and I regularly post my own FOY codes to the TLCK Facebook.
- If you win a bonus, get busy earning! Bonuses will increase the amount you win from almost everything, from offers to surveys.
- Gifthulk TV works on a tier-system. The more you watch, the more you earn. Every ten videos you enter a captcha to win 10 hc, but at levels 5/10/15/20 you earn bonus coins. You can easily run the Gifthulk TV in the background and check back just to change the videos.
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